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The Obama Deception (HQ-WMV to DVD conversion)
Video > Movies DVDR
2.48 GB

Spoken language(s):
alex jones obama obama deception fraud banksters bankers bailout barack northcom takeover carbon credit obamanoid infowars prisonplanet fema camps nwo new world order
+15 / -2 (+13)

Mar 13, 2009


The Obama Deception (HQ-WMV to DVD conversion) [2.5GB version]

The Obama Deception is a hard-hitting film that completely destroys the myth that Barack Obama is working for the best interests of the American people.

The Obama phenomenon is a hoax carefully crafted by the captains of the New World Order. He is being pushed as savior in an attempt to con the American people into accepting global slavery.

We have reached a critical juncture in the New World Order’s plans.  It’s not about Left or Right:  it’s about a One World Government.  The international banks plan to loot the people of the United States and turn them into slaves on a Global Plantation.

Covered in this film:  who Obama works for, what lies he has told, and his real agenda.  If you want to know the facts and cut through all the hype, this is the film for you.

Watch the Obama Deception and learn how:

+ Obama is continuing the process of transforming America into something that resembles Nazi Germany, with forced National Service, domestic civilian spies, warrantless wiretaps, the destruction of the Second Amendment, FEMA camps and Martial Law.

+ Obama’s handlers are openly announcing the creation of a new Bank of the World that will dominate every nation on earth through carbon taxes and military force.

+ International bankers purposefully engineered the worldwide financial meltdown to bankrupt the nations of the planet and bring in World Government.

+ Obama plans to loot the middle class, destroy pensions and federalize the states so that the population is completely dependent on the Central Government.

+ The Elite are using Obama to pacify the public so they can usher in the North American Union by stealth, launch a new Cold War and continue the occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan.

The information contained in this film is vital to the future of the Republic and to freedom worldwide. President Barack Obama is only the tool of a larger agenda.  Until all are made aware, humanity will remain captive to the masters of the New World Order. 

Make as many copies as possible, make this DVD go supernova. If everyone that downloads this DVD burns 100 copies and shares them with others I'm sure we will have done our part for this salvo in the infowar.

*** No there are no subtitles, this is not a DVD-Rip (don't even know if the official DVD will have subtitles)


For those MORONS who scream "RACISM" before ever watching
this or even a trailer for this, please go watch this:

KRS-One & Professor Griff in "The Obama Deception"
goto: youtube
and see: watch?v=QUNylW4bC1I



697 MB DIVX VERSION (with lots of seeders, first one posted on TPB):

The reason I made this DVD version is a lot of people don't know how to make a DVD playable in ALL DVD players from a DivX or WMV or MOV file, I I share. Yes, it is large, but nobody is forcing anyone to download this. They download it if they want it ready to go for duplicating and sharing with people in the most compatible format for the general public.


P.S.: Zeitgeist Day (Z-Day) is a crock, see my "ZEITGEIST remix" for 1 video that has the good stuff from the two Z movies. Forget the Venus Project's version of a supposed post-Planet-X apocalypse on Earth New World Order! Check into it, dig a little, that is one of the typical beliefs in that strain of theosophy behind those in the Venus Project. One group's utopia is another's dystopia, remember that! Also realize that in Z:A there is an attempt to twist the old saying "THE LOVE of money is the root of all evil" (in other words greed and corruption) into simply "money is the root of all evil", which is a totally different meaning!!! Money is just an easy way to barter/trade....nothing wrong with it...what is wrong is the corruption of monetary systems...debt based systems and fractional reserve banking especially when controlled by the elite rather than the people.


Yeh right! and 'Homer Simpson' will be the next president of the USA - thats actually not a bad idea. LOL :-)
Just let me get this tinfoil on my head correctly.

now download!
Just how stupid are you commenters? Watch it, then talk about it. It is sad when people comment about a video without ever watching it.
Timmy, are you going to spam all of my torrents or just the ones having to do with your sworn mortal enemy?

Funny how someone like Timmy *MONITORS* P2P for anything having to do with Alex Jones, then SPAMS comments with diversionary and supposed discrediting propaganda. Does not offer real debate nor discussion, etc. Kinda seems like DISINFO from a COINTELPRO agent. However, the propaganda is so absurd, I think he is just dumb. The same as his pals who all say they don't even know each other. LMAO, they're not too good with their amateur cointelpro ops...I think they think they are like a little racist secret organization or something. Pretty sad.

i notice a lot of DISINFO agents going around on these Obama Deception torrents and trying to discredit the movement, don't let them fool you, they don't want you to see this movie, show everyone you know!
"Condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance." -Albert Einstein
Lol, this does't surprise me... Remember how all the people voted for Bush? And he like fucked up alot of shit. But when someone right gets elected for a fucking change, you guys act like you have to tear him down and make him a bad guy, Barrack Obama is the FUCKING PRESIDENT so GET THE FUCK OFF HIS BACK! and one more thing, This "United States" would rather have a White man ruin it, than a black man fix it." Now before are you Republican fuckers flame me, lmao, Just know, I don't give a fuck.
Crasfi2, can you read? Or write? How about watch a movie before acting like you know anything about someone who supports a movie? You know what you are? PREJUDICE! P-R-E-D-U-D-I-C-E-!
P-R-E-J-U-D-I-C-E-! :-P~
Of course it?s not about black or white or left and right. Mr Jones was one of the biggest opponents of the Bush regime. The whole left / right black and white political paradigm thing is as real as WWE wrestling where one guy plays the baddy one week and another plays the baddy the other - meanwhile they all go out for a meal together after the show.

Obama is nothing but a puppet - just like Bush WAS and McCain or Hitlary (sorry Hillary) would have been!





Maybe when someone gets the official DVD they will, it was not out at the time this DVD was created from the HQ-WMV!!!! 0.o

p.s.: Do you kknow how annoying it is when people spam the same thing on multiple torrents?
The OFFICIAL DVD was just released today
(the 15th) so you'll have to wait for someone to have it delivered first ;-)
It's not just Alex Jones who is an NWO-Jew-Shill. There are plenty like Eric Phelps, David Icke, Michael Ruppert, Jim Marrs etc. I focus on Alex because he has the biggest following. The New World Order has and always will be Jewish. In Hebrew OLAM HA BA - World to Come. Jones would have you chasing ghosts like the Bilderbergers and the Trilateral Commission for years, and you will one day realize you are running in circles. Yeah, those groups do exist and yes they set policy, but they ain't the head of the snake. wake the fuk up!
Alex Jones in the Jews' court. Look who surrounds Alex Jones. His Jewish wife, Violet (Kelly) Jones. Alex's best friend, Jewish comedian Joe Rogan, Mossad arms dealer Adnan Kashoggi, who else? How many more before you "truthers" wake the fuk up.
Timmy, first why don't you PROVE everyone you label as jewish is actually jewish. Then why don't you PROVE how each of these jewish people are also our enemies. Or is every single jewish person our enemy? It seems to me you are the one chasing ghosts and trying to get us to, by muddying the waters with no specifics, just labeling a who group of people as the enemy regardless of whether any individual happens to be doing anything worthy of being labeled an enemy.

Not all jewish people are pro Israel, not all jewish people are bankers, not all jewish people are [fill in the blank]. If you want to be useful, help identify actual people who are at the top rather than trying to have us chase those at the bottom. Even if AJ was some enemy, he would be so low level to spend so much time attacking as to make your efforts meaningless. Now, let's assume he was some enemy agent. Why would he continually expose just enough to fill in 95% of the puzzle? Why not keep us in UFO and 2012 land like others do...effectively diffused? AJ has not or cannot identify the exact top structure for the same reasons nobody else can...we are all still working on working it out. If you actually had this answer you would not be taking the approach you are...which is jewish extermination. That is your solution, right?

Finally, AJ can overstate somethings at times, he can make mistakes at times, and he can not hear what you or others say on the phone at times. That does not mean he is misleading. You know the call where you say he pretended not to know certain people? I heard that show LIVE, he did not understand what was being said on the phone because when you and you pallies call in you are bing either smart asses, talking fast and agitated or whatever else and it does not help the conversation. You are manipulating things to your end goal, which is jewish hatred...just as others attack AJ for not labeling AJ an agent of the Vatican for not placing the Vatican and/or jesuits at the top. GET A FREAKING LIFE!!!
"by muddying the waters with no specifics,"

Alex Jones is not guilty of this? By pointing the finger at shadowy groups like the Trilateral Commission, Bilderbergers, and the Council on Foregin Relations.

Do you see the irony? Alex Jones' followers accuse those of saying it's a Jewish conspiracy, as being cointel and infighters. Those who expose the upper echelon of the New World Order are called cointel, while a guy like Alex Jones who exposes only the lower echelon is praised. This is fucked up.
"If you actually had this answer you would not be taking the approach you are...which is jewish extermination. "

Great disinfo here. Label me as a Nazi. In fact, label anyone opposed to Jewish World Government as a Nazi. Now who is the cointel? Many have exposed and named names, that's why they are in prison or dead. Oh no, but not AJ, he isn't even so much as on a no-fly list. People who have done less than Alex have been put on no-fly lists. Fuck Ted Anderson, Fuck Alex jones, and fuck the fake patriot movement.

And why is there two "Genesis Communications Networks?" There is one registered to Ted Anderson, and one to a Florida man. Sounds fishy to me. Then you got Mossad agent, Adnan Kashoggi owning a bunch of front companies with a similar name. It all bloody reeks. The biggest evidence is from Alex Jones himself on his radio show. His words alone are enough evidence, forget everything else.
Wow, those constitute proof of something? So when Hostess has the same snack in one state called a King Don and in another it is called a Ding Dong, due to licensed trademark issues, that is called trademark and similarly each state has its own business licensing and I was once in Alaska and went to the Bon Marche...guess what, it was not the national chain and the two had nothing to do with each other. Also, if there is a company called Empire Glass and there is a carpet company called Empire there something fishy there? Same or similar named companies means they are linked (you stupidity abounds!)? Incredible facts and evidence. Kinda like when you all kept screaming that AJ worked for ABC, right? (Because they have to lease services from ABC, just as you lease services from comcast or some other telecommunications companies for your phone and internet services.)

Look, dude, you think saying "its a jewish conspiracy!" is specific? Given what you say and assert and your continued inability to NAME the NAMES you would have us believe you know are at the top of the control pyramid, your approach would seem to me to be complete condemnation of all jewish people, is that right or not? If so, what is your solution?

You think AJ is not being specific enough when referring to the tri-lats and bilderburg and such even though this allows us to attach names to the membership lists of these groups? Wow, you are so deeply stuck in your own disinfo you really believe your own non-sense, huh?

To anyone who has the official Obama Deception DVD...

You can use DVDFab HD Decrypter.

(and select "Full Disc" copy)

or use DVDFab Platinum, available here on TPB... but the free version from the website is good enough.

You should also use the little tool FreeDVD: after you have copied the DVD content to the harddrive.

FreeDVD "removes several protections from a DVD folder on the hard disk. It removes region code (RC), region code enhancement (RCE), analog copy protection, and user operation prohibitions (UOPs)."

Clarke, man, give it a rest already.
Thanks thomas! Works perfectly.
Thanks, dicktater. I am just surprised more people are going for the larger DVD I made. I thought once I got this smaller one up more people would go for it.
Obama is a God's punishment for the GOPs for their sins. They have to create movies and books to justify why God does not answer their prayers.

Ha - Now there is a God.